Sunday, March 4, 2007

Games People Play

Games People Play
by: Collette Thomas

Avril opens the proverbial Pandora’s Box when a large UPS carton marked Fun & Games, Inc. arrives on her doorstep. Her husband expresses his wish that they ‘explore’ their sexuality to spice up their twenty-plus year old marriage. Her husband, Harold, wants more…much more…more than Avril is willing or able to perform inside the bedroom.

The two embark on a self-exploration as they grow apart. Can they find some common ground before it is too late? In this tale of seduction and sex games that people play, life takes on twists and turns as each play the game to the fullest. As they assume the various roles, they find themselves set on paths that has them not only exploring their inner most psyche, but discovering that side that exists in us all where the darkest fantasies dwell.

Available now from Silk's Vault